Command Line Blackjack

Simple blackjack game for the command line

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Command Line Blackjack

What is Command Line Blackjack?

Command Line Blackjack allows you to play a simple game of blackjack in your command line.

Getting Started


Ensure you have PostgreSQL on your computer

Install necessary gems

$ gem install pg
$ gem install colorize

Run the postgres server

$ postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres

Run the setup file

$ ruby db_setup.rb

Begin the game

$ ruby blackjack.rb


The game is a simple game of blackjack. There are two basic commands: 'hit' and 'stay'

When prompted, type the appropriate command asked for and then select enter.

Here are some shots of the game:

The beginning of the game (here you would either type hit or stay based on what you would like to do):

initial game start


We won a round here!

end game

The high scores table:

high scores table


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